
I want to be a writer.

Before when I would write, I would sit on it for days, sometimes weeks – even months – until I knew where I wanted the idea to go, and where I wanted my final thoughts to land. Now, I’m just trying to write consistently, even if I don’t know where the thought is leading. (Which is SO HARD for the people-pleasing-planner in me!)

But the truth is I want to be a writer. I’ve wanted to be a writer since I was little. You’d think that would be enough to make me want to pursue it, right? Like this childhood dream would be enough to set me on fire for my passion. But often times, dreams are just sparks…

And without any fuel, they fizzle out.

I know I could say that “life happened” and that wasn’t the path God had for me, but I think that’s just another excuse. I think if God put this gift inside me, He wants me to use it for His glory. Of course, that doesn’t mean my writing is going to be glorious (haha!), but it does mean that He can use it – in whatever way He’s designed, and in whatever way brings Him glory.

Maybe that’s why He puts gifts and talents in each of us. Because when they are on display for the world to see, it looks like Him – all the beautiful, radiant facets of a creative God that cannot be contained.

And so, I will write.

Perhaps this will be the fuel to rekindle the spark of a childhood dream not long forgotten; only postponed.

2 thoughts on “I want to be a writer.”

  1. Dreaming with you, Kimi. I love Stephen King’s analogy that he waits and excavates and discovers where the words want to take him. I pray God moves in your words and takes you beautiful places to show other.

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